The Official Site of
Walter V. Long Elementary School
Rigel Painter
Assistant Principals:
Amanda Alcala
Paige Karetny​
School Hours
8:30 a.m. - 3:11 p.m.
School Mascot
Walter V. Long Elementary
2000. S. Walnut Road
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Phone: 702-799-7456
Jan 20
No School
Jan 27
No School
Staff Development Day
Feb 5
Class Pictures
Feb 10
No School
Feb 17
No School
Presidents' Day
Mar 17 - 21
No School
Spring Break
Apr 18
No School
Apr 28
No School
Staff Development Day
May 23
Last Day of School
12:30 Dismissal
Comprehensive Support
and Improvement
CSI Quarterly Progress Update #4
CSI Update #2
Walter V. Long STEAM Academy is a Rising Star School
Click HERE to see full update
CSI Update #1
2019-2020 SPP Goals
2019-2020 SPP Goals:
Increase reading and mathematics proficiency for all students. Ensure all students are making adequate growth in reading and mathematics.
Action Steps:
Our school will meet these goals by providing teachers with weekly professional development on how to effectively analyze student assessment results and effective instructional strategies. Because we did not meet our goals in mathematics, there will be a strong focus on developing students’ skills in foundational concepts and mathematical practices. Instructional staff will regularly analyze student data to identify areas of need and provide additional instruction through small-group interventions and after-school tutoring. Student progress will be shared with families regularly and engagement activities will provide opportunities for families to learn more about how they can help their students improve achievement and growth.
Click HERE to see full update
Rising Stars Schools (also known as CSI schools) meet the designation criteria for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) under Nevada’s federally approved Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Plan. The Rising Stars Schools list identifies schools eligible for supports and interventions. Rising Stars Schools also qualify for additional funding support through state and federal programs.
Rising Stars Schools meet at least one of the following criteria:
Are in the lowest 5% of schools based on their Index Score on the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF)
Received a 1-Star rating on the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF)
Once a school is identified as a Rising Star School, it will remain a part of that cohort for three years, with the goal of achieving at least a 3-Star rating by the end of the third cohort year.
Title I Parent and Family Meeting
10/12/20 at 3:30 P.M. and 10/13/20 at 8:30 A.M.
Welcome – recording, sign in on chat
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Title I – what is it?
Title I – where does the money go?
For the school
For the student
For the parents and families
Survey Results
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Parent Teacher Conferences this week
Chat Survey
For more information on CSI concerning Walter V. Long, click HERE.